
Cash Wallet App UI Template - Flutter

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Application Description:The Cash Wallet App UI template is designed with developers in mind, with features that allow you to focus on the back-end while still delivering a high-quality user interface,The well-structured widget tree in this template makes it easy to navigate and understand the codebase, saving you time and effort when making changes or updates.In addition to its advanced features, the Wallet App UI template is incredibly easy to use. Its intuitive interface and clean design make it simple for developers and designers alike to customize the template to meet their specific needs. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, you’ll find that our template is easy to work with and highly customizable.Features Clean Code and a well-structured project Well-Organized and Named Layers Updated Dart Language GetX State Management Font Awesome Icons & material Icons added Responsive Designs Flutter Updated Version App Requirement:Flutter 3.7.12PreviewDemo App Demo App Download: GDrive Note:Please note before purchasing, this is a UI template intended to save development time. The buttons included only serve the purpose of navigation and do not have any additional functionality. Show More Show Less
製品価格 ¥1,950




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