
Pzen Ajxcart - Ajax Add to cart for Zencart

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Pzen Ajxcart Supports Latest Zen Cart v157. Pzen AjxCart is an Ajax add to cart module developed and designed for Zencart. Now add the products from Homepage using Ajax that is without loading the whole page, which makes your store feature-rich. The plugin supports default Zencart functionality, which means multiple products can also be added from the Product listing pages like All product, New Products, Featured Products and Category listing. Plugin is responsive supported, a unique flyout cart is displayed for smaller devices making your store standout from others. Remove the item dropdown without loading the page, items in Shopping cart too can be updated or deleted individually based on this plugin. The plugin comes with dedicated ajax cart sidebox, which can be enabled/disabled from the Layout boxes controller. Core Features (New) Supports latest Zen Cart v157 Add products to cart without loading page Add multiple products to cart on listing pages using Ajax Cart dropdown menu on hover Flyout cart for responsive/smaller devices Dedicated Ajax Cart sidebox Delete/Update items individually using Ajax from shopping cart page Display popup with product detail including image Supports latest zencart version Updates Version 2.3.0 – July 11, 2020 -- New : AjxCart Add Zencart Version 1.5.7 Support. -- New : Add zc1.5.7 version demo files. Version 2.2.1 – June 06, 2020 -- Fixed : Out of Stock display messages issues. -- Update : Some Css changes. Version 2.2 – May 05, 2020 -- Fixed : Add to Cart success popup attributes and quantity display issues. -- Fixed : Third party plugin issues without css-js-loader. Version 2.1 – July 30, 2019 -- Fixed : Mixed Product Add to Cart Issues. -- Fixed : Product Unit Add to Cart Issues. -- Fixed : Some CSS Issues. Version 2.0 – July 20, 2019 -- New : Add Support Goodwin - Premium Multipurpose Zen Cart Theme -- Update : Zencart latest version demo files. -- Fixed : Ajax Add to Cart issues. Version 1.11 – April 17, 2019 -- Fixed : IE Ajax Cart Issues. Version 1.10 – May 03, 2018 -- Fixed : Cart dropdown display item price issue Version 1.9 – May 02, 2018 -- Fixed : Product Listing Single Product Qty Add to Cart Issue Version 1.8 – April 11, 2018 -- Fixed : Cartpage Single Product Update Issue Version 1.7 – April 09, 2018 -- Fixed : Attribute File Upload Issues Version 1.6 – March 08, 2018 -- Fixed : Sticky header cart update issue -- Update : Ajax validations for pzen daily deals -- Fixed : OutofStock allow checkout issues Version 1.5 – October 02, 2017 -- Fixed : Display Attributes in Added cart popup -- Fixed : Product Info Add to Cart increase qty issue. -- Fixed : Also purchase product add to cart issues. Version 1.4 – July 01, 2017 -- Fixed : Product Info options validations. -- Fixed : Cart Remove Product Action Update Shipping Estimator. Version 1.3 – June 01, 2017 -- New : Cart Page shipping Estimator Update. -- New : Update cart qty in info page. Version 1.2 – May 15, 2017 -- New : Full Cart Page Update using Ajax -- New : Added Validation for input Quantity Box -- Fixed : Attribute Price Issues. -- Fixed : Some Css Issues. Version 1.1 – April 28, 2017 -- Fixed : Min-Max Quantity issue -- Fixed : Some CSS -- Fixed : Discount by quantity products issue Show More Show Less

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